Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joel Osteen says You'll Get Double for Your Trouble

Joel Osteen teaches you the key to being a bounce back person. Studies prove that during a hurricane, a palm tree will simply stretch and not break from the strong winds. It's bent and pushed over all the while its' root system is actually being strengthened and given new opportunities for growth. That is the same way we were built to be. It even says in Psalm 92:12, "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree." That means God knew there would be difficult times in our lives, that things would come against us, trying to steal our joy, peace and victory. He's not surprised by our difficulties, but rather knew ahead of time and equipped us with everything you need in Him! Because we have strong roots, we are going bounce right back. The storms in life will come. The winds will blow. But no weapon formed against us will prosper! 
    Joel Osteen says You'll Get Double for Your Trouble

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